Proteus Recommends: November

Posted on 20th November 2020

Firstly, we want to say a HUGE thankyou for all those who booked tickets and came along to support our Signal Fires event on the 31st October. It was so wonderful to welcome back audiences to see live performance, even though we now are now amid another 4-week hiatus, so we feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to temporarily connect with our audiences in person.  Many of the other Signal Fires events went online after the 2nd national lockdown was announced and now theatre company Spare Tyre are making ‘Beyond The Shield’, their celebration of lockdown storytelling, available again to watch until Sunday 29 November.

Audience members described it as both “energetic” and “therapeutic”. Our Signal Fires: Beyond The Shield show earlier this month brought together works by writers who have been shielding during the pandemic around a digital campfire created by Genetic Moo.

Register for a ticket to receive a private YouTube and password to watch the show.


If you follow us on twitter, you may have seen last week that we were supporting an initiative created and curated by Documental Theatre entitled #Whereto. It was an opportunity for theatre-makers and performers in the South West to have their voices amplified through the support of artistic organisations

Across the week we shared some of the short (up to only 3 minute long) videos by creatives, from the deeply emotional and to the utterly hilarious, this diverse snapshot of work can be viewed online. So next time you catch yourself entering a youtube wormhole of funny cat videos, why not check out this creative work instead!

Last weekend we tried and tested an interactive evening of theatrical sleuthing hosted by Bristol Old Vic and created by Sharp Teeth. Sherlock in Homes asks audiences to ‘Don your deerstalker, grab your notepad and boil your kettle! It’s time to Zoom in to a murder mystery from your own home’.

Our verdict:  A frivolous evening of digital live performance providing the perfect antidote to another gloomy lockdown evening. Working in teams with other audience members to interrogate the suspects in breakout rooms, we commend the Sharp Teeth performers for their brilliant improv skills, riffing on everything the audience had to throw at them – a real giggle! Find out more here.

Have you listened to our Generation Protopia podcast? Last week we released Episode 5: Equality and Diversity, which seemed timely as there was renewed media interest in systematic racism. Our group of 16-18year old members of Proteus Youth Theatre, discuss what equality means to them, their growing awareness of white privilege and experiences within the LGBT community. Listen in right here.


And lastly if you are looking for something a little different from the clichéd Hollywood horror movies of late, why not dive into a homegrown horror short Dead Air featuring Basingstoke-based Stacey Hart and now available on Amazon Prime video. Described as a ‘puppet infused comedy horror pitting female punk rockets against evil gremlins at 30,000 feet above the Earth’ this is 16 minutes of high-octane fun you won’t regret!

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